The Best Marriage Counseling in Nevada – Las Vegas & Henderson

The best marriage counseling you can find has several key components. In fact, marriage counseling is quite a bit different than individual counseling. Each person deserves to have their thoughts and feelings validated. Successful marriages also require both people to...

Five Ways to Speed up Healing from Trauma

Healing from trauma is no simple task. Fortunately, there is a lot of research out there on what actually makes a difference for people who want to heal more quickly and not let trauma drag them through the mud for years. Trauma happens to people. It’s not a...

The Six Life-Changing Benefits of 12-Step Addiction Recovery

I must have been twelve years old when I first read the serenity prayer. I was browsing a knickknack shop at the mall with my preteen delight for random, useless garbage like Bart Simpson posters and Far Side comic mugs. My eyes settled on a greeting card emblazoned...

The Healing Benefits of Yoga

Namaste: the light in me honors the light in you. If you’ve never tried it, yoga may appear to be a trendy hobby for hippie ballerinas with perfectly coiffed messy buns and pricey Lululemon leggings. You might worry you’ll be out of place in the domain of tall, fit...

How to Help Loved Ones Get Help

About 14 years ago, I wasn’t okay. My husband Peter and I had recently finished school and moved our little family of four into our first real home. By all appearances, our life was pure white-picket-fenced bliss. But one day when we were finishing unpacking, Peter...